Dog Walkers

I've been looking for a project with a good marriage between ethical and commercial value for some time and since the start of Covid I've noticed numerous dog walkers of all demographics in my local park, mingling and enjoying time with their dogs in all conditions. They are an incredibly dedicated and enthusiastic bunch and when it comes to loyal advocacy you could not find a better community to embed your brand in. If you asked your doctor what 2 things would improve your life, most of them would say, exercise and building strong relationships. I believe this physical and mental work out is exactly what keeps these dog walkers keep coming back for. (More from this project as it evolves)

Since the start of Covid I've noticed numerous dog walkers of all demographics in my local park, mingling and enjoying time with their dogs in all conditions. They are an incredibly dedicated and enthusiastic bunch and when it comes to loyal advocacy you could not find a better community to embed your brand in. If you asked your doctor what 2 things would improve your life, most of them would say, exercise and building strong relationships. I believe this physical and mental work out is exactly what keeps these dog walkers coming back for more!